Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is Worship Important?

I'd like to share a few thoghts I've been having recently on the subject of worship. It seems to me that worship is a very key area for the person who wants to experience God and the fullness that He has for each of us.

I'm reminded of the practice of Mother Theresa. She and the women who worked with her started each morning, very early, spending two hours just "adoring" the Lord. They had no agenda but to be before the Lord and adore Him - telling Him how much they loved Him. It was because of this time worshipping God that evrything else they did was accompished.

I also will tell you of Heidi Baker's experience. She had been tired and drained and went to meetings at the Tornto Vineyard. During these meeting Heidi had an overwhelming experience with the love of the Father. As a result, she was so wasted that others had to carry her around and help with her care. Since that time she often just spends time before the Lord in worship. It is this time before the Lord that enables her to do the ministry that God brings her way. Rather than getting burned out (as before) she gets strengthened and keeps serving her Master.

The experiences of each of these servants of God is more than enough to make me realize that I, too, need to worship the Lord. It is this worship and adoration that prepares my heart to hear from Him. And I need to hear from Him! Scripture states that I live "by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

My worship will make me sensitive to the Lord and enable to hear the voice of My Lord. Jack Hayford says "Praise creates a dwelling place for God in man's present situation."

1 comment:

  1. Very key issue indeed Dave. Very good post - and timely. God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3) and it is a sure fire way to have a relationship with Him. . . .his praise shall continually be in my mouth 9Psalms 34:1).

    If I can finish each one quickly enough, I will start a new series of blogs on seeking God. Hopefully I can start that series the 20th of July. I haven't even started them yet.

    Have a good one Brother and I look forward to your next post.
