Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Tough Lesson

Just a few days ago while I was at church I receive a strong impression from the Lord. He brought two ideas together and I KNEW I could, and was, to write about this.

That particular day there were a lot of things happening, and so, I just let the idea "sit on the back burner." I could get to it later. This idea - I thought - was fresh and strong in my mind [at that point, it was]. Surely, I'd be able to write a good piece on this later.

A couple of days later, as I tried to start writing, try as I might, I could not remember what God had shown me earlier. Oh, how I wish that I had taken the time to write down a few notes on it. I'd have it now!

I asked God to bring it back to my mind, but so far, "no go." I do remember reading the same set of words in many different places in my Bible lately. I did know that part of what God had shown me had to do with this set of words. I've sought the Lord, and have strained my brain. But, so far, nothing has returned to me of what the Lord had dropped into me earlier.

Point - treat as VERY VALUABLE whatever the Lord gives you! I had definitely NOT treated what I had been given as very valuable. When He gave it to me I had it. Now, I didn't! How I regret that I didn't at the very least make a few notes on what He gave me.

I've asked God for forgiveness and now it's time to move on. I choose not to dwell on or spend a lot of time trying to bring what He gave me back. I blew it. He can certainly give it to me again! That's His choice. This time, if He does give it to me again, I WILL treat it much more carefully!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dave for being so transparent for our benefit and for being vulnerable to be able to tell your story to us in hopes of teaching us a lesson on how valuable God's insight are to us. Again - I say thanks.

    This is why I carry pad and pen with me EVERYWHERE I go. Because frankly, my mind isn't what it used to be and I forget a lot.

    I have pad and pens everywhere I go, at the computer desk, kitchen table, night stand, by living room chair, and yes, even in my pocket. Some would call that paranoia. I call it, as you do, treating God's insights carefully.

    Thanks Dave. Good job brother. Keep writing.
