Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Admit Your Need

Throughout God's Word we find much instruction but I want to comment on one particular step of obedience. In the fifth chapter of James he gives us several different instructions. I want to examine verse 16. This verse says three things: 1)Confess your faults to one another, 2)Pray for one another, and 3)The earnest prayer of a righteous person makes tremendous power available.

I do not believe that you should share your sins with just any person who may call himself a Christian. Rather, find someone in your body who you know and trust. Share your shortcomings with this person. Even share areas in your life that you are struggling with. Maybe you are just thinking about doing something that isn't really right. As you share your burden or concern with this person he will help you deal with it. This person may have a word of advice for you, but most importantly, he will pray for you. This is the second emphasis of verse 16 - they will pray for you. God's purpose of this prayer is that you may be healed or restored.

This verse ends with the statement that "the earnest prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available." [Amplified Bible] The next verse gives an example -Elijah prayed, and as a result, it didn't rain for three and a half years. Then he prayed again and it rained.

Choosing to follow this step of admitting your weakness is an act of obedience and the Lord will bless it. As a result of sharing your struggle with another trusted believer who will pray for you, God's healing begins in you. This is a restoration that only He can do! His power is above and beyond what you can imagine - and if you follow this instruction, His Power will be released in your life. "His power is released in obedience."

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you back to writing your blog. I have missed your writing brother. I have slacked a little in my blog frequency because I am very busy. Trying to finish my second book and it will probably be my quickest writing.

    Have only been working on the actual text for about five to six months and I just shy of being two-thirds done. I have half a chapter to write and I'll start on Part Three of three parts. One day, I'll tell you all about it and how I did it.

    Good word Dave. I have long thought that you should not let just anyone speak into your life. I agree with you and your interpretation.

    How is the "O Zone" coming? Are you getting closer to finishing?

    GBY Brother
