Monday, December 21, 2009

The Greatest Gift

There is a theme that appears in the scriptures which tell the Christmas story. The theme is fear. I'll share two places where fear is mentioned. The first is in Luke 1:30 when Mary is visited by the angel to tell her that she had been chosen to bear a son, Jesus, the messiah. The angel told her "fear not." Again, when the angel appeared to the shepherds as they watched their sheep not far from Bethlehem, he said to them, "fear not." [Luke 2:10] Fear is mentioned more often in the Bible than heaven or hell.

Scripture also states that "perfect love casts out fear." Our single greatest need is to be loved just as we are. Only God can do that perfectly!

I want to discuss the greatest gift as seen in the 8th chapter of Romans. Pastor Ben Cross called this "the love chapter."

In Rom. 8:1 we see salvation past. It states that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." If you have accepted Jesus into your life (and are in Him), then you have been JUSTIFIED, and you have been delivered from the penalty of sin.

Verse 12 and following is talking about salvation in the present. We are debtors, but not to the flesh. We are no longer obligated to our carnal nature. Rather, by the Holy Spirit we overcome the ways of the flesh and obey Jesus as Lord. We are delivered from the power of sin. This is called SANCTIFICATION.

In verse 17 it speaks of salvation future. "... we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory." He has promised us to share His glory, but ONLY if we also share His suffering. This is called GLORIFICATION.

Now skip ahead to verse 29. "For who He foreknew, He also destined ... to be molded into the image of His Son ... And those who He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified. And those whom He justified, He also glorified."

So, He foreknew, destined, called, justified and glorified. That's a full package! As we see in the chapter all that God has done for us we know that we are definitely loved!

In verse 26 we see that God's spirit is inside of us praying for us. In verse 28 we see that God is working everything together for our good.

Finally, look at verse 32. "He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things."

From God's perspective - it's all done!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What's Your Worth?

This will be a short one. I've not written anything on here for over a month [sorry] but will give you a good thought to dwell on.

Are you valuable? Maybe, at times, you've heard someone tell you that you're just no good, not worth much! Well, I have something you need to consider.

How is the value of something determined? The answer - it's value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. That makes sense!

Now consider the price that God was willing to pay for you. He sent heaven's Best, His ONLY Son to die in your place! That was the very most expensive thing He could give. Yet, He gave His very best for you!

You are, indeed, very valuable to Him!

As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday this is truly something to get a hold of, and to be thankful for.

May God bless you!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Exchange

Matt. 26:28 "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
Mark 14:24 "And He said to them, This is My blood [which ratifies] the new covenant, which is being poured out for many."
Lk. 22:20 "And in like manner He took the cup after supper, saying, this cup is the new testament or covenant in My blood, which is shed for you."
1 Cor 11:25 "... He took the cup also, saying, This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink [it], to call Me [affectionately] to remembrance."

Each of these scriptures refers to the blood of Jesus. Here, Jesus himself, connects His blood with the new covenant. When we entered into a relationship with God it was through the blood of Jesus. We entered into a blood covenant with Him. His blood is central. "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins." It is the blood, and the blood alone, which gives us each and every single thing that God has for us.

First, the blood pays for and covers our sin. This is what kept us from God. The moment we received Jesus a divine exchange took place. God released the holy blood of Jesus to make atonement for our sins. There is so much power and provision available to us beyond initial salvation. But we must choose to appropriate that power. Even though salvation was available to us, we did not actually get saved until we came to God and accepted Christ. In the same way we must receive each benefit by choosing it, and by faith.

Through the power of Christ's blood we can exchange such things as curses for blessing; guilt for purity; sickness for health; lack for provision; sorrow for joy; slavery for freedom and death for eternal life. This is by no means a complete list.

There is another exchange that I want to mention. This is an important exchnge that the blood can accomplish for us. Unfortunately, we are very much affected by the sins of our bloodline for generations before us. As we ask the Lord, He will release the blood of Jesus to atone for generational sin, and thereby, supersede our bloodline to bring us back into His full plan for us. We will then have the spiritual authority [based on His blood] to break down generational curses, cast out familial spirits and tear down strongholds. Let's look at the steps for breaking generational impurities.

The first step is to repent for our own sin. We must be sure that we have clean hands and a pure heart before God. [Ps.24:4] We must not just blame our sin on our family traits.

The second sstep is to specifically identify the generational sins that are at work in your family.

The third is to be sure that you have forgiven your ancestors for bringing sin into the family line. Jn.20:23 says, "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." The power of any sin will not be broken if we carry unforgiveness in our hearts. Any unforgiveness is enough for demonic forces to maintain heir power in any given area.

The fourth step is to repent for the sins in your generations. Each person will have to stand before God for his own actions. But we can appropriate the power of Jesus' blood into our bloodline and break the power of that sin in generations.

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's "Dew" Time

Recently I discovered some significant and interesting ideas relating to dew.

For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its
fruit, the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give
their dew - I will cause the
remnant of this people to possess all these. Zech. 8:12

In his book, Possessing Your Inheritance, Chuck Pierce describes a dream in which he was walking in a thick, blue mist. When he asked the Lord what this was, he was told, "It is dew." The color blue signifies truth in the Word of God. He began a study of dew and discovered many correlations between the effects of dew on the earth and how God desires to move us to our next manifestation of His glory. Let's look at them.

1. Dew renews the face of the earth. During the night when dew falls on the earth, vegetation is nourished. Without the dew, dryness and desolation would set in, inhibiting the growth process. This is similar to the experience we have of being renewed by/in the Lord. There is an ongoing, day by day renewal that He does n our hearts and lives.

According to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of
regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5

As dew regenerates and renews the earth, so the Holy Spirit regenerates and renews us. The dew, though only a fine mist, is often enough to soften hard and barren ground. And the Holy Spirit also, can transform and renew, through the quiet spiritual soaking of the dew of renewal. But He needs our cooperation, through obedient and submissive relation with H, to soak us with the dew of His renewal.

2. Heavenly dew provides strength to move forward. First, realize the dew is released when all is still. At night, the temperature falls,the air comes to a point of rest and then the dew begins to cover the earth. For us, too, it is when we rest that we can receive from God. If we will get still before the Lord,we will receive new revelation [strategy] to move forward.

The opposite of stillness is haste. Haste leads us to poverty and lost inheritance. Why? Because we misunderstand or are not willing to wait for God's strategy for our next step.

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be
weary, they shall walk and not faint. Is. 40:31

In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Is. 30:15

When we get quiet and rest before the Lord, we are in a much better place to hear and understand His strategy. In this process, His dew of refreshing can fall on our lives, bring us new levels of strength that will move us forward.

3. The dew of the Holy Spirit imparts overcoming power.

His heavens shall also drop dew ... Your enemies shall
submit to you, and you shall tread down their high places.
Deut. 33:28, 29

In this passage, appropriating the power of God through the Holy Spirit is likened to dew. It gives us authority to dethrone the enemy's plan, which keeps us from spiritual life and wholeness. The high places here refer to places of sin and idolatrous altars.

4. The refreshing dew of the Lord uncovers new supply and provision.

Therefore may God give you of the dew of heaven, ... Then
Isaac his father answered and said to him: 'Behold, your dwelling
shall be of the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from
above. Gen. 27:28, 39

When Isaac blessed Jacob, he equated the dew of heaven to the material prosperity that Jacob would receive. Dew is God's gift. It brings good harvest and provides food. When the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness God supplied their needs each night as the dew fell.

...And when the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna
fell on it. Num. 11:9

Dew came to symbolize supply and provision, new every morning!

5. The favor of God is "like dew on the grass.
Prov. 19:12 Favor means pleasure, desire, delight, to be pleased with or favorable toward something. When God is pleased with us, His favor rests on us. The opposite of favor is reproach. When God's favor comes upon us, He removes condemnation, judgmentalism, failure,and the like. We exchange disapproval for favor.

6. Dew is not permanent. Dew falls at night when all is quiet and calm. As the morning breaks, however, the dew begins to evaporate. We cannot settle into all that the dew brings and expect it to last beyond the time God would allow.

Remember, the children of Israel received just enough manna for one day. And the earth receives just enough dew to be refreshed for a short season. So, we cannot allow ourselves to settle into our current state of glory. We may find God moving in a new way that our old understanding can't handle.

We need to move to our next place of glory. And for that, we must receive we revelation from God. His glory falls like dew.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Need God's Help?

Some time back I was driving in my car with my friend, Kelly. We were talking about obediece and he told me what the Lord had taught him. "Acts of obedience set you up for your deliverance and the deliverance of others."

His statement fit into our conversation then. Today, however, I have a deeper understanding of it - it seems more real.

As you walk in obedience you exercise faith - you demonstrate faith. And faith is what God requires! "Without faith it is impossible to please God."

You can try your best to take care of all your problems by yourself. But Scripture states that "without Him I [you] can do nothing." You will exert energy, but most probably, not adequatly help yourself [meet the need]. So, try walking and doing the things He gives you to do - obedience. This will please Him and it will put you in a position for God to work on yor behalf. Isn't that what you want? Whatever God does NEVER fails!

Daily steps of obedience position you for God to fight your battles!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Intense Trials!

Lately the financial pressures in my life have increased and gotten quite intense. Trials so intense they SEEM to block the Light that empowers my faith. I realize that all of this around me [circumstances] is created and intended by satan [yes, I don't capitalize his name] to block the Light [Jesus] from my life. This Light is what empowers my faith. And, of course, "without faith it is impossible to please God."

I am so grateful for the insight - understanding what is true - that God has given me about this stuff. Our enemy really can't do much, especially when we understand what he's up to. Absolutely, the only thing he can do, is what we allow him to do. If we understand what he's up to we can stop him right there. Remember, scripture says that "he roams about LIKE a roaring lion, seeking whom he MAY devour." It says he is like a roaring lion, not that he is one. He appears as a roaring lion because he can, and does, make a lot of noise - roars. But that's all he can do. However, if by what he says in your ear, he can convince you,then he is able to gain an entrance to your life. If you believe his words and open up the door he will come in. You ALLOWED it!

Focus with me on the next part of that scripture that I emphasized in CAPS - MAY. We are the only one that will ALLOW or NOT ALLOW him. When I understand what is coming from him, I remember that I am covered with the blood of Jesus. Satan cannot cross the bloodline and I tell him so! My answer to him is always you MAY NOT!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Tough Lesson

Just a few days ago while I was at church I receive a strong impression from the Lord. He brought two ideas together and I KNEW I could, and was, to write about this.

That particular day there were a lot of things happening, and so, I just let the idea "sit on the back burner." I could get to it later. This idea - I thought - was fresh and strong in my mind [at that point, it was]. Surely, I'd be able to write a good piece on this later.

A couple of days later, as I tried to start writing, try as I might, I could not remember what God had shown me earlier. Oh, how I wish that I had taken the time to write down a few notes on it. I'd have it now!

I asked God to bring it back to my mind, but so far, "no go." I do remember reading the same set of words in many different places in my Bible lately. I did know that part of what God had shown me had to do with this set of words. I've sought the Lord, and have strained my brain. But, so far, nothing has returned to me of what the Lord had dropped into me earlier.

Point - treat as VERY VALUABLE whatever the Lord gives you! I had definitely NOT treated what I had been given as very valuable. When He gave it to me I had it. Now, I didn't! How I regret that I didn't at the very least make a few notes on what He gave me.

I've asked God for forgiveness and now it's time to move on. I choose not to dwell on or spend a lot of time trying to bring what He gave me back. I blew it. He can certainly give it to me again! That's His choice. This time, if He does give it to me again, I WILL treat it much more carefully!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dwell - Abide - Live

Jesus shared some amazing things on the subject of dwelling in John 15. He uses the picture of a vine, its branches and the fruit. Jesus is the True Vine and His Father is the Vine dresser. We, of course, are the branches.

In verses 4-5 He talks about dwelling. "Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you [You could use live instead of dwell - same meaning]. Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me. ... Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing."

That "vital union" to the vine is essential. The vine is the source of life and everything else of any value. Obviously, no fruit can be produced if there is no source to supply life.

Jesus expands on the promise in verse 7. "If you live in Me [that vital union] and My words remain in you and continue to live in your heart, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you."

-Abide in Me
-My words remain in you
-My words continue to live in your hearts
-Ask what you will - it will be done!

By looking at this promise it is easy to see that there are three conditions to meet. They are each related to each other. Study these three things and spend time thinking about how you can do them. What will promote each of these aspects of dwelling? It is God and His power that allows you to abide in Him. There are, however, things you can do to move in and excel in abiding in Him. Other activities will hinder and rob you of the blessings of abiding.

Meet these conditions and experience the wonderful promise - ask whatever you will and it will be done!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


On Sunday morning during a prayer time befoe the morning meeting, God spoke one word to me - dwell. Nancy had read and then prayed from Psalm 91. Then followed discussion on several points from this psalm. Eventually I shared what God had dropped into my spirit.

Dwell speaks of where you live and where you are at home, comfortable and at ease.

The promises of the psalm are for those who meet the conditions of the first two verses. "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable
and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I
lean and rely, and in Him I (confidently) trust!" [Amplified]

First, the promise is for those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High. It's not a place everyone knows about. It is secret. It is available but must be sought out and pressed into. This promise doesn't apply to just everyone who calls himself a Christian. Rather, it is for those who are wholeheartedly following after and depending on Jesus.

The phrase, "shall remain stable and fixed," has a double meaning. First, and primarily, it is a benefit or a result of dwelling in the secret place. If you dwell in that place you will be stable and fixed. Secondly, it speaks of an aspect of how we dwell in Him. Our focus and our commitment is stable and fixed. We aren't jumping around from one thing to the next. No, our eyes and our trust are on the Lord. We aren't moving!

The person who meets the conditions for these promises is one who says, "The Lord is my Refuge, my Fortress and my God. On Him I lean, rely and trust." It is one thing to speak the words and another to actually live by what you say. In this case, the person speaks what he truly believes - it is in his heart. He views the Lord as his Refuge and his Fortress. He also acts as if this was true. Therefore, in reality, he leans on the Lord and relies on Him. In Him he does confidently trust.

As I write these words I recall a passage from Psalm 125. God spoke to me strongly from the first two verses a few years ago. I even wrote a song about this. In this scripture God talks about, and invites you, to become a person who trusts in, leans on, and hopes in the Lord. He "will be like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides and stands .." The next verse gives us the reason: "As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people."

God is giving an invitation to learn to trust Him totally, without reservation. The result will be a person firmly established, fixed and not going to be moved!

In the middle of Psalm 91 there is another mention of the word dwell. These promises shall be yours "because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place." In verse 2 the person says the Lord is my Refuge. Now here,the person has made the Lord his Refuge.

In verse 14 the dwelling idea is further explained. This person "has set his love upon Me." And, "He knows and understands My name." By living in the secret place this love for the Lord will,undoubtedly, grow. The evidence is there. God says you've set your love upon Me. And He says, "He knows and understands My name." That is because he has spent time with Him. The relationship grows and is intimate as we spend much time with Him in the secret place.

Jesus placed a very high priority on "knowing" Him. More on this in a future article. There are numerous things to consider about dwelling. I plan to do a series of articles on this topic. God bless you as you begin to live in the secret place!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is Worship Important?

I'd like to share a few thoghts I've been having recently on the subject of worship. It seems to me that worship is a very key area for the person who wants to experience God and the fullness that He has for each of us.

I'm reminded of the practice of Mother Theresa. She and the women who worked with her started each morning, very early, spending two hours just "adoring" the Lord. They had no agenda but to be before the Lord and adore Him - telling Him how much they loved Him. It was because of this time worshipping God that evrything else they did was accompished.

I also will tell you of Heidi Baker's experience. She had been tired and drained and went to meetings at the Tornto Vineyard. During these meeting Heidi had an overwhelming experience with the love of the Father. As a result, she was so wasted that others had to carry her around and help with her care. Since that time she often just spends time before the Lord in worship. It is this time before the Lord that enables her to do the ministry that God brings her way. Rather than getting burned out (as before) she gets strengthened and keeps serving her Master.

The experiences of each of these servants of God is more than enough to make me realize that I, too, need to worship the Lord. It is this worship and adoration that prepares my heart to hear from Him. And I need to hear from Him! Scripture states that I live "by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

My worship will make me sensitive to the Lord and enable to hear the voice of My Lord. Jack Hayford says "Praise creates a dwelling place for God in man's present situation."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Living As Mighty Men

I found myself at a different church this last Sunday. My car had "died" and I had to walk. My church is 13 miles away and so I walked to a closer place. I've been going through a hard time, financially. Now, with my added car problems, I owe on at least 5 large bills. I'm a month behind on most of them and have deadlines, at which point the service will end.

I believe I've been doing all the "right" things. Yesterday God encouraged me with the pastor's message, essentially saying, "Here are some areas you can improve in that will make your prayers more effective."

In James 5:16 we learn that "the effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much." What I will share here are some simple, yet powerful things that will actually make your prayers more effective. They could be called mighty works - they are powerful, transforming things that will both move God's hand and His heart.

The first of these activities is to spend time before the Lord worshiping Him. In chapter 4 of John we read of Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well. He said that "the Father is seeking" people to worship Him"in spirit and in truth." There are many examples in the Bible that show the power of true worship. I'll share two. In 2 Chron. 20 we read of a "great multitude" of people that were coming against Jehoshaphat and Judah. They were overwhelmed and things looked hopeless [Hmm, sort of like my situation now].

Jehoshaphat sought God, and with him, all of Judah. The Lord's answer, "Be not afraid ... for the battle is not yours, but God's. ... You shall not need to fight ..; take your positions [look like you are going to war/fight], stand still, and see the delverance of the Lord." (v. 15-17)

They followed God's instructions and received the victory. Jehoshaphat appointed singers to worship in front of the army as they went out. In verse 22 we see that when they began to sing ... the Lord "caused the multitude to be self-slaughtered." Their very act of obedience moved the hand of God.
Another powerful example of worship is found in Acts 16. Here we see Paul and Silas, their hads and feet in shackles and locked in the innermost place in the prison. They had bee severely beaten. Surely, they had every legitimate reason to be unhappy and complain. "But about midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise (not complaints) to God ... all the doors were opened and everyone's shackles were unfastened." (v. 25-26) They didn't complain - they worshiped! It was their worsip that moved God's hand to shake the entire prison and free them all.

I won't share details of the other "things" listed, things we can do to walk in a way that makes our prayer life most effective. I will tell you what they are, however. Praying in the spirit, declaring the gospel, and exercising great faith.

By working on these areas and doing these things, we are in fact, living as Jesus Himself. When we received Jesus into our hearts the seed of God was planted in us. It is God's intent that we should look like and, in truth, be like Jesus. Didn't Jesus promise us that "the things that He did we would do also?"

Friday, June 5, 2009

More On Jesus' Teachings

In Matthew 22 a lawyer had asked Jesus about which commandment was the greatest. His reply is found in verses 37-40. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you sould and with all your mind. This is the great (most important principal) and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself. These two commandments sum up and upon them depend all the Law and the Prophets." In his book, Baptized By Fire, Tom Girod says "The sum of a believer's obedience is to love God and to love his neighbor."

On one hand we have the way of obedience, which is love. To not love is disobedince, and its result will always cloud our perception. It causes darkness to set in and this eventually makes our love grow cold and our hearts harden.

Many of Jesus' teachings are contained in what we call the Sermon on the Mount. It is through our obedience to these teachings that we can live a radiant, vibrant and triumphant life. Jesus said that He came to give us "life more abundantly."

As mighty and powerful as these teachings are they aren't able to be lived by human power alone. They require the energizing power of God Himself. "The only way we will be able to successfully live out the Sermon on the Mount is by allowing the Holy Spirit to work this heavenly sermon deep within our soul and spirit through the regeneration of the heart." Paul states, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." This statement shows that it is God's power working in us. Here the word 'Christ' means 'anointing.' It is the anointing of Jesus in us which enables us to successfully live as He taught.

Ben Girod has stated it this way. "This is the doctrine of Christ: 1)to keep His commandments, 2)to discern His voice, and 3)to overflow with love for God and our fellow man."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obey His Teachings

There are some key truths I would like to discuss that are found in John 14:15-24. In verse 15, Jesus states, "If you [really] love Me, you will keep [obey] My commands." Jesus' commandments [or commands] are His teachings. They are life principles, which describe the nature of Christ's life manifesting itself in us. It is God's plan that the very life of Jesus is manifested in and through each of us, His children. He even promised earlier in this chapter that we would "be able to do the things" that He did, and "even greater things." We should both look and act like Him!

Our obedience to His commands [teachings] is what proves our love for the Father. Our obedience does not buy or earn us His love. He already loves you much more than you even know! We obey Him simply because we love Him. This idea is expressed three tims in our passage of scripture. "If you love Me ... will obey ..." [v 15] "The one ... who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me ..." [v 21] "If a person [really] loves Me, He will keep My word [obey My teaching]." [v 23]

Jesus told us that He would give us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and He would remain with us forever. The world does not see or know Him. But we do, "for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you." [v 17] We must come to know the Spirit of Truth. Without the Spirit dwelling in us, we are incapable of hearing the words He speaks to us.

Remember that the initial ingredient of obedience is to hear. By hearing, knowledge and understanding comes so that w know what to obey. But if we don't love God we won't wish to hear. All born-again Christians possess that still small voice within them. But with the progression of time, if we ignore it, we often hear this voice less and less. In his book, Baptized By Fire, Ben Girod says that "Since we do not like to hear ... we just disregard Him. Each time we do this,our capacity to hear His voice becomes weaker and our path more obscure."